Factors to Consider Before Adding a Second Story in a Home

Factors to Consider Before Adding a Second Story in a Home

First-floor additions to homes are increasingly popular. These additions do not require the removal of mature trees. They can increase yards by adding patios or porches where none existed before. Before adding a story to your home, you need to consider several things. These include the willingness of the local council to allow it, whether or not you can afford it, what impact addition will have on your current living conditions, and what are the implications of adding a second story.

These factors are discussed below.

Council Approval

Before committing yourself financially to adding a second story onto existing home, check with the local council if they’re okay with it. The council may have regulations about this construction work that requires planning permission before any work is done. For example, they would also know which bodies are important in compliance. Electricity approvals might be required from a power …

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What Does a General Contractor Do?

What Does a General Contractor Do?

Hiring a general contractor is a good idea for many remodeling projects. Home renovation contractors have a broad range of skills to manage, coordinate and complete a project. They should help make sure your project comes in on time and within your budget as they hire and supervise all the necessary subcontractors, including electricians and plumbers.

Be sure your contractor has the required personal liability, property damage, and worker’s compensation insurance for his or her workers and subcontractors. Licensed contractors must display their license number and permits on promotional materials or vehicles bearing the name of their company.

How To Stay Within Budget When Hiring a General Contractor?

A contract spells out the who, what, where, when, and cost of your project. If your home renovation project is a small one, you may wonder if you need a contractor at all or if a handyman can do the job. Their …

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